It makes no public health sense to run the risk of new outbreaks of rubella and other preventable diseases.
This will make some people furious with me, but I’ve looked
at the data and, though I agree that Big Pharma is not to be trusted, I think
the books have been cooked on the claim that it’s a bigger threat than
homeopathy and that adverse drug effects kill over 800,000 Americans per year.
(One big way the data is cooked is to blame chemo poisoning for the deaths of
already-terminal cancer patients. Another way is to quote data from the medical
dark ages. Quite a few websites say, for example, that 6,000 people died from
smallpox vaccines. Scary until you read the fine print; those numbers come from
a 1921 study!)
Homeopathy has its benefits, but a lot of it is simply
magical thinking. One takes a risk when anything is added to the human diet. I
looked into red rice yeast as a substitute for Statins when my cholesterol went
up. Guess what? This natural product has a higher risk of liver damage than
Lipitor. Lots of people take St. John’s wort instead of Prozac, but it has so
many side effects that France has banned it. Heck, when it comes right down to
it, food is more dangerous than most drugs; one of six Americans gets food
poisoning each year and about 5,000 die from it.
The anti-drug drumbeat comes from an unlikely coalition of
alt-lifestyle devotees and anti-government paranoia. It would be facile to
argue that nobody has adverse, even deadly, reactions to drugs. Big Pharma is
at its worst when a new drug comes to market; that’s when the drive for
immediate profit bypasses safety valves. But this isn’t the case for most of
the vaccines under question, especially the two most under the Vermont
microscope: the ones for measles and for pertussis (whooping cough). Some kids
don’t react well to either vaccine. But we have data–very strong data collected
over decades–that tells us what difference the vaccines make. About 450
children per year died of measles before vaccines came into effect in the
1960s; when the rubella strain (“German measles”) was present, death rates
soared; according to the Center for Disease Control, it killed at least 11,000
babies in the United States between 1963 and 1965. Do the math; a rubella
vaccine has saved the lives of more than a quarter-million infants since then.
Vaccines have nearly eradicated measles of all varieties; since 2000 there have
been about five dozen cases per year and no deaths.
A major reason for the reduction in deaths is that most new
measles cases are isolated; that is to say, it’s no longer a public infectious disease that weakens
public health overall (especially in those little disease incubators we call
“public schools”). Whooping cough is even more dramatic; before a vaccine
became widely available after World War II, about 175,000 Americans
(disproportionately children) got whooping cough each year and an average of
700 died. By the 1990s there were just several thousand cases per year. Alas,
anti-vaccine forces have contributed to dramatic rise and there are now more
than 25,000 whooping cough victims per year.
Let us imagine a world without vaccines. Do we want a repeat
of Spanish influenza like the one that killed 100 million people in 1918
(675,000 in the USA–three times the number of U.S. soldiers killed in World War
I)? Do we want a return to pre-vaccine smallpox epidemics, polio outbreaks,
bubonic plague and cholera endemics? I wish a mumps vaccine had been available
when I was a kid; my bout left me with hearing loss.
Parents, naturally, think they should have the right to make
vaccine decisions. Christian Scientists say the same thing! I say that fear is
just as bad a foundation for public policy as loony beliefs. We must view
health as a public issue, not a private decision. 93% of Vermont children were
immunized for whooping cough in 2005; now it’s just 83% and the disease is on
the rise (102 cases in then first four months of 2012). This is fair neither to
other Vermonters, nor to the children catching the disease.
Vaccines can indeed cause negative reactions, but the
decision to immunize should be made by doctors, not frightened parents. By all
means have children tested before immunization, but let those with expertise
make life-and-death decisions. If I might put it crudely, if a doctor makes the
wrong call, that individual is culpable. But who would want to be the parent
who said “no” to the vaccine that would have saved their child’s life?
outstanding post on an important public health topic