Ever had that feeling that you need to see some other
people? I get that feeling about music every now and again, especially when I
flip on the radio and enter that vast sonic wasteland known as "American
pop/rap/hip-hop." At that point I seek an aural overseas adventure to see
what folks elsewhere are singing. Here are several journeys worth book and they
won't cost you more than a buck a track.

Let's stay in the same cultural ballpark for a moment. Arsen Petrosyan is an Armenian-born duduk musician. The duduk is a double-reed flute in the oboe and shawm family, though
its sound is bolder and its tonal qualities more reminiscent of the clarinet.
Petrosyan's Charentsyan (CD Baby) is a nice introduction to Armenia's
national instrument. Much of the release can be described as mournful and
formal in tone, though there are a few departures. "Hazar Ernek" has
the vibe of a belly dance; "Javakki Shoror" casts impressions of a
raw village folk tune—especially the call-and-response interplay with other
instruments–though its hand percussion has similarities with Southeast Indian
arrangements. Petrosyan is obviously a talented musician, but whether you'll
fancy all nine tracks is a matter of individual taste. I'd recommend going to a
site like SoundCloud and sampling to see what strikes your fancy. Something
is from Cameroon, but now lives in Atlanta. His debut, Chapters of My Life (Bantu Records) is a pan-African look
at his life thus far: from Africa to broke fashionista at a Detroit design
school to a working musician. It's an odd little release in many ways and
definitely not your average Afropop
recording. He counts among his influences Van Morrison, Nina Simone, and Manu
Dibango. It's hard to hear much Morrison on this record other than short rock
riffs every now and then, as on "Wiating for the Day," the sunniest
track in the collection, but Dibango and Simone are in evidence. Dibango is a
Cameroonian saxophonist famed for fusing jazz, funk, and folk–and Chapters of My Life certainly has that
vibe. "Ma Masse," for instance, is done in the style of a Senegalese mbalax, but in a more dramatic less
danceable style than most mbalax
offerings. Two songs, "Machine Man" and "Walkin Man"
reference Moken's impoverished student days when he occasionally lived in his
car. The second tune has a suitably robotic feel to mark a time in which his
car left him stranded 10 miles from his destination. You can definitely hear
Simone's influence in Moken, especially his preference for material that is
sultry, soulful, and meditative. As in the case of Petroysan, though, I'd
recommend you sample before you buy. My overall sense is that Chapters of My Life is an incomplete
project with filler and a few songs short of completion. There is promise here,
but the repertoire could use some work.
Rob Weir