
No Hard Feelings? I Have a Few






No Hard Feelings (2023)

Directed by Gene Stupnitsky

Sony Pictures Releasing, 103 minutes, R (nudity, sexuality, language)



No Hard Feelings is the kind of film that Hollywood critics too young to remember that good comedy has barbs not just dumb situations, label “charming.” Oh dear. Let me state from the get-go that the premise of this film is that 19-year-old Percy Beckman (Andrew Barth Feldman) spends a lot of the movie saying he does not want to have sex with Jennifer Lawrence. Now there’s a statement no man, woman, Vogon, or inanimate object would say–ever!


This is a coming of age film that riffs off American Pie, Risky Business, The Breakfast Club, and Clueless without the raunch of the first, the laughs of the second, the coolness factor of the third, or a (yes) a clue like the fourth. Director Gene Stupnitsky cowrote No Hard Feelings with John Phillips. It’s your standard boy-needs-to-lose-his-virginity movie whose only twist is that this is his parents’ point of view, not Percy’s. He is a smart but unpopular loner who stays in his room a lot and still considers his nanny a friend. Mom Allison (Laura Benanti) and dad Laird Beckman (Matthew Broderick) think that Percy needs to date and have sex before attending Princeton in the fall and are willing to give a car to a woman in her 20s who will school him in the birds and bees.


Stupnitsky and Phillips aver that this was an actual ad on Craigslist, which is a sad commentary on American society. Lawrence plays Maddie Barker, whose own car is about to be impounded by the ex-boyfriend she ghosted. Her traffic fines and lack of registration are among the many bills she owns as she tries to hold onto her deceased mother’s home in Montauk. This forces her to roller blade across town to the Beckmans’ upscale home and talk her way into the assignment, though she’s 32, not in her twenties. She first meets Percy at his job in an animal shelter–Chekov’s gun alert!–(barely) dressed in a skintight dress, heels, and straps that “accidentally” fall down to expose a breast. How “smart” can Percy be if he still thinks Maddie wants to adopt a dog?


At heart this is a movie about a cougar stalking her prey for purely materialistic reasons. The question of “Will they or won’t they?” could be seen as a big striptease, except that this happens much earlier in the film when Maddie browbeats Percy into going skinny dipping if she promises not to try to have sex with him. Huh? Call the White Cane Program! To sustain what The Mikado called “a bald and unconvincing narrative,” No Hard Feelings stretches matters by stitching in all manner of  threads: spitting out Long Island Iced Tea, getting sick at a graduation party, the contrast in date formal wear, Maddie’s friends who, like her, can’t afford to live in Montauk–shades of Mystic Pizza–and premature ejaculation. Are you doubled over with laughter yet? There’s also a wrecked car scenario cribbed from, yes, Ferris Bueller’s Day Off. I could almost hear Matthew Broderick thinking, “How in the name of Zeus, Odin, and Ahura-Mazda did I get so freaking old that my career has come to this?”


I should say, however, that both Feldman and Lawrence did well with what the script asked them to do. Feldman is the vacillator and Lawrence the vixen. Lawrence was praised for her physical comedy, which you can take with a small grain of salt given that the film and Lawrence also got Golden Globe nominations. One wonders, though, about tiny cameos for Zahn McClarnon (Native American), Hasan Minhaj (South Asian American), and Amalia Yoo (Korean/Puerto Rican American), which are color props to tick PC boxes. I’ll also give the film credit for introducing to me an unfamiliar term. Several reviewers blasted the film for “sexual grooming.” I guess that’s a known thing, but I had to look it up. (I also don’t think it applies as 19-year-olds are not minors under the law.)


Still, the DVD box sports a cover with the word “Pretty” over Lawrence’s head and “Awkward” over that of Feldman. If you wanted a two-word review, “pretty awkward” would suffice. Another short judgment might be: who would go through this for a used Buick?


Rob Weir




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