Trust Me, I’m Lying: Confessions of a Media Manipulator. By Ryan
Holiday. New York: Portfolio Penguin, 2013. ISBN: 978-1-59184-628-4.
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This review first appeared on the NEPCA website. |
How bad are things in what has been dubbed the “lame-stream
media?” If Ryan Holiday is to be believed, Fox
News is indeed “fair and balanced” when compared to online sites such as Gawker, The Huffington Post, Mashable, and
BNET. Or maybe not. One of Holiday’s major points is that what’s
left of the mainstream media has been so drastically pared that it relies upon
bloggers for news feeds, tips, and breaking information. That’s not a good
thing. Holiday insists that trolls, shills, and liars like him populate the
The book title invites us to distrust Holiday and you should
definitely raise your skepticism shields before plowing into his book. Still, given
that Holiday pioneered and profited handsomely from some of the online media’s
worst tactics, he’s at least a semi-credible source. The world he describes
makes the days of yellow journalism seem charmingly innocent. Forget the adage that
perception is reality; the blogosphere invents and commodifies each. A slow
news day is no problem for bloggers skillful enough to tailor a rack of suits
from a single loose thread. Ask Toyota, which paid millions of dollars for
lawsuits, retrofitting, and manufacturing redesign when blogs began humming of
stuck accelerators. In nearly all cases, nothing more sinister than operator
error was in play, but soon every speeding yahoo on the freeway was blaming
Toyota for his actions.
How did it get this bad? Didn’t open web gurus like Jeff
Jarvis promise us that the information highway and citizen journalism would
democratize information and politics? Holiday argues that “process journalism”–publish
immediately and allow stories to evolve organically–gave way to “iterative
journalism” in which a central message is put forth and endlessly repeated,
facts be damned. The latter created a culture in which hits on one’s blog are
more important than truth. Buzz sells and a well-crafted, oft-repeated story
becomes fact-resistant. If you think buzz hasn’t replaced time as money and
truth as perception, check out Holiday’s case studies–including his efforts to
convince us that the generic offerings of American Apparel are high-fashion
chic, or how he made millions for ‘fratire’ peddler Max Tucker by enhancing his
misogynist image through a manufactured backlash.
In essence, journalism has been hijacked by advocacy
advertising with all its inherent propaganda tendencies. When forced–and that’s
the right word–to issue corrections and retractions, bloggers simply bury them at
the bottom of websites where few will see them. Holiday categorically states,
“Corrections online are a joke” (178). Really clever bloggers reduce legal liability
through judicious use of weasel words: might,
according to reports, escalating buzz, possibly, we’re hearing…. (170) But
make no mistake; buzz and publicity are so potentially lucrative that no one
can ignore the bloggers that peddle it. Holiday identifies the blogger’s nine
tactics through which they win clients and influence the public, a list that
includes: “tell them what they want to hear” (49), “give them what spreads, not
what’s good,” (69) “make it all about the headline,” (87), and “just make stuff
up” (113). Most horrifying of all is that these are often now the people who
are the original ‘source’ of stories that appear on the nightly news or on the
pages of the New York Times.
Holiday tells a distressing story that will be of enormous
interest to journalism scholars and those studying digital media. Alas, I wish
the study was better told. Toward the end of the book Holiday warns us of the
dangers of “snark” (195), but that’s largely the tone of this book. Holiday
clearly dislikes several other bloggers and, denials notwithstanding, it often
sounds personal. What purports to be the confessional of an individual who has
had a change of heart, comes off like one rapper dissing another. Moreover, Holiday’s conversion experience seems (note my
weasel word!) to have occurred when he found himself and his clients on the
attack end of the blog culture he helped create. His writing is both sophomoric
and soporific. We should pay serious attention to the issues Ryan Holiday
raises, but one longs for a more articulate reform advocate with a less
ambiguous moral core.
Robert E. Weir
University of
Massachusetts Amherst
1 comment:
Hi Rob,
That's too funny--I'm about 3/4 through this book and I think you saved me the time of writing a review when I cover this in my monthly reads--I'll just link here.
Agreed--good points, but whiny and petty at times--was he paid by the number of times he used the word "bullshit"?
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