Outsiders often think that the Bruins and the Patriots
represent the numbers one and two contact sports in Massachusetts. Not so–it's
driving and politics--in that order. It may not be our fault in driving; though
non-charitable folks call us "Massholes. "I blame it on poor geometry
Consider this a Public Service Announcement. Those of you
who live in other common-sense-challenged areas–like Connecticut, New Jersey,
and Wyoming–can adapt this PSA for local use.

2. Angles: The illustration below is very useful in comprehending the concept of allowing your vehicle to change its direction left or right, which is generally expressed as making a turn. To execute a turn, however, one needs a complete understanding of 90-degree angles. Assume you are driving along the bottom x-axis from where it says 45 on the right. To execute proper 90-degree right turn at the small square, you need to perform an L-like maneuver. Anything less than this–especially those that create a 45-degree V-like angle is called a veer. The veer—exemplified by the line connecting 45 to 45–is very dangerous, especially if there is another car at the corner where you wish to execute a turn. The veer runs the risk of removing the front part of the other vehicle. Most car owners object strenuously when a complete stranger violently severs the front end of their car.

Under no circumstance are you allowed to come to any of the
curves and bisect them by going straight because it's the "shortest"
distance. That's actually illegal. If you are still struggling
with the concept, imagine the times in which you have to make several turns because
there are annoying buildings in your way. You don't like this, but you know
it's much safer to go around the block rather than trying to thread your car
though someone's front door, dodge potential objects in the living room, drive
through the kitchen, and exit through the back door. You know this from all
those pictures in the paper of those who unsuccessfully tried this maneuver.
Now imagine landscape as a flat, green version of annoying buildings and avoid
driving on it. One final reminder: The squiggles indicate that executing the
curve might be difficult, so reduce your speed. A good rule to follow is to
make sure that, at all times, that all four
of those rubber round things near the undercarriage of your car remain in
complete contact with the road at all time. These are called "tires"
and road contact with two or three out of four is insufficient.

The second sign advises you to travel in a straight
direction and then turn left when you come to the lane dedicated to that
purpose. The difference between the two figures is subtle, but crucial. The
easiest way to distinguish between them is to note that there is but one line
in the first figure, but there are two
in the second. In which lane would you wish to be if you intended to go straight?
If you guessed the right lane, well done!

6. Upside down isosceles triangle. This is called a "yield sign." In this context, yield means that cars coming from directions in which there is no upside down triangle possess the right-of-way. Yielding also implies that you must wait until they have vacated the space before you proceed. Contrary to popular practice, yielding is not a motorized guessing game. "I sure did think I could make it," is another utterance that will make Mr. Policeman very angry with you. He will also quite gruff if you take the position that you had plenty of time to pull out, as evidenced by the fact that the opposing vehicle missed you with centimeters to spare when he slammed on his brakes.
Here are a few more,
listed by right/wrong
"There is a bumpy road surface ahead. I guess I should reduce my speed in
the interest of safety."
Wrong: "Hey
Marge, why the hell is there a brassiere sign along the highway?"
Correct: "This area is prone to rock slides, so I guess I should be alert."
"Damn, I sure could go for a bowl of Cap'n Crunch cereal right now."

Right: "Under certain conditions this road surface might cause my vehicle to slide. I must be careful in cold and wet conditions."
Wrong: "Oooeee,
Earle. They want us to spin out and do donuts on this road!"
This is a sign for a rotary.
We'll be here all week if I try to explain a rotary and what those curving
arrows mean. It's simply too complex for most Massachusetts drivers. My best
advice is that you whenever you see said sign, you interpret it to mean,
"Oh my God! I must get off of this road immediately!" You should turn
off before you reach a rotary, even if it means doing a U-turn and heading back
in the direction from which you just came. Seek alternative routes. This is
higher-level math and it's best to admit that you're no Einstein.
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