Bluexit, Pizza Sneakers and Other Good and Bad Ideas
Kevin Baker's recent article in the New Republic contains loads of really good ideas.
He proposes that blue states simply surrender to red state visions of what the
United States should be like. He's hardly the first to observe that the
"United" part of our national formulation is more idealistic than
real: the United States increasingly looks like Yugoslavia for the 21st
century. But Baker thinks there may be a way to salvage some semblance of
unity. Call it a you-go-your-red-way-I'll-go-my-blue-way strategy. In Baker's
words, we can envision this as either the "New Federalism" or
"virtual secession." Baker suggests we should cut taxes to the bone,
but insist that each state pay its own freight.
Like many blue-staters, Baker notes that the more charitable
the blue states have been, the more they've been reviled. Among his findings:
Clinton won just 487 counties in 2016, but those same places generate 2/3 of
all the nation's economic income
states are twice as likely to depend upon the government for funding
suggests that the blue state zones (Maine to Virginia; the West Coast plus
Nevada and Hawaii; and the Rockies from Colorado to New Mexico) should operate
as autonomous cultural and economic enclaves with the proviso that these states
get to keep all the revenue they generate and spend it within the region. The
implications of this include:
red staters want to use the Mayo Clinic, they will have to pay higher rates to
do so
will have to foot their own bill when a disaster occurs
military will have to be pared back to World War One levels (about 125,00
like this show-us-our-own-money approach. Here are the states that pay more
than a dollar in federal taxes for each dollar of services they receive (blue
states in blue):
are the welfare bums of America, listed in order of those drinking deeply from
the public trough (blues states in blue;
ratios = discrepancy between what they get/pay):
(8:1), ND (>6:1), FL (5:1), LA, AL, MS (40% of entire state income), HI, NM, KY, WV, IN
evident that blue states are, for the most part, footing the bill for a bunch
of welfare states. And why is oil-rich North Dakota getting so much government
situation becomes starker when we look at the states in which 10% or more of
the population receives food stamps. That's the case in twenty-four states, of
which just ten are blue.

we start with the fact that said motors retard sleep efforts? If only that were
the worst problem. In use, various body parts are raised or dropped according
to preprogrammed notions of comfort and in disregard of human variations. If,
like me, you are four inches and forty pounds short of "average,"
you're confined to a device straight out of Torquemada." Want to cut
medical costs? Start with dumping these $16,000+ monstrosities in favor of
decent mattresses and beds that crank into the desired position and stay there.
the good ideas side of the ledger,
University of Illinois professor Kathryn Anthony has written a new book titled Defined By Design in which she concludes
that much modern design is about designers and marketers, not consumers. This
explains why so many clothes and shoes are no-size-fits-anyone nightmares, why
childproof caps are the norm (even though there are more cap-related injuries
than there have ever been accidental poisonings), why non-recyclable and
cut-inducing clamshell packaging is on everything, and why most products somehow
discriminate by gender, age, and somatotype. Anthony's work is long overdue. Let's hope it inspires the
formation of consumer and public groups that will force designers to subject
ideas, buildings, and products to public scrutiny rather than constructing
things that are extensions of their own egos.

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