The Art of Warner Brothers Cartoons
George Eastman
International Museum of Photography
Rochester, NY
Through October 6,
The George Eastman
House in Rochester is a designated National Historic Landmark. It’s on the
must-do list for visitors to Rochester. Eastman (1854-1932) was the founder of
Eastman Kodak, once the powerhouse name in popular photography. Eastman made a
fortune bringing roll film and inexpensive cameras to the masses and his home
is well appointed, though aside from its main court, it’s not as grand as one
might think for such a titan of industry. Beware if hunting and taxidermy
offend you, as Eastman’s biggest vice was a fondness for shooting big game. The
grounds are actually more lavish than the inside of the house. Speaking of
interiors, Eastman was something of a mystery on the personal level. He never
married, had no known girlfriends, and went into semi-mourning when his mother
died in 1922. Such a sketchy biography has led some to speculate that he was
gay, but there’s not much evidence for that; asexuality might be the safer bet.
But, really, who cares?
If historic houses aren’t your pleasure, the grounds also
contain a photography museum and archives. There are only small exhibits on the
history of photography and the archives are not open for casual browsing.
However, if you catch it right the changing exhibits are often amazing. That
adjective is scarcely adequate for the current exhibit, The Art of Warner Brothers
Cartoons. If you came of age during the years in which cartoons ruled
Saturday morning television, this exhibit is a veritable trip back in time.
The Evolution of Bugs Bunny |
The Art of Warner Brothers Cartoons reminds us that cleverness
is more than surfaces and gadgetry. Today we have technological marvels of
computer-aided design, special effects, and sophisticated animation programs,
yet there are no Saturday morning cartoons. I’ve been impressed by contemporary
animation, but little that I’ve seen matches the wit, magic, and edginess of
Loony Tunes. The geniuses on display at the Eastman House wove their spell at
24 frames per second. Given that the average cartoon was about eight minutes long,
it took more than 11,500 individually drawn frames for Bugs to outwit Elmer and
take the piss out of opera, theater, and everything else under the sun.
That, my friends, is true artistry. And, as Porky Pig out it, tha… tha… tha…
that’s all folks.
Rob Weir
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